Enter the Ruins Perilous

Enter the Ruins Perilous - a fantasy adventure location for Pathfinder by Rite PublishingRite Publishing has launched a new project today – the Ruins Perilous. The setting for the project is a seris of ruins used as a testing ground for the Questors’ Society. It’s loosely based in the sandbox setting of Questhaven, but can easily be dropped into any campaign. The twist on this project is that it’s a ransom project. People chip in money, and when the threshold is met, the room is released. Donations of more than $3 will net extra goodies – the high res jpg for the room, a side view illustration, a detailed top down token and more.

Here’s a low res sample of the first room to whet you’re appetite:

Fantasy map of a tower dungeon for the Ruins Perilous by Rite PublishingThe project is written by Jonathan McAnulty and T.H. Gulliver, the tokens are illustrated by James ‘DevinNight’ Hazelett, and I’m doing the art and cartography. You can find an introduction to the setting and the Questors’ Society on the Rite pages and on the site for the Ruins Perilous

2 thoughts on “Enter the Ruins Perilous”

    1. Yep, that logo was fun to do. I’ll have to set up a logo section of the site here. I’ve done a few now so it wouldn’t look totally bare.

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