Zeitgeist Maps for Island at the Axis of the World

The Paizo blog today was all about the wonderful steampunk world of Zeitgeist from ENWorld and that reminded me that I need to post the rest of the Zeitgeist maps. I created these maps for the Island at the Axis of the World – the first module in the adventure path. You can download the adventure and the maps for free.

As well as the map of the City of Flint (above – or click here to see the map larger) I created an island map and a star fort for the adventure path: Continue reading “Zeitgeist Maps for Island at the Axis of the World”

Clockwork maze fantasy map pack and gear images for sale

I’ve been working on the Rite Publishing project Coliseum Morpheuon and it’s finally seen the light of day! The high level Pathfinder adventure features a series of fiendish challenges and I drew the maps. Of course this means a whole selection of new fantasy map packs hitting the shelves. First out of the bag is the Clockwork Maze:

Fantasy Map Pack for sale: The Clockwork MazeThe map pack is now on sale at RPGNow and shortly at Paizo. Continue reading “Clockwork maze fantasy map pack and gear images for sale”

The New Epoch – a world comes to life

Some time ago, when I was starting out at freelance cartography, I was asked to draw one of the oddest worlds I’d heard of. The world existed on a turning cog, and the elemental planes span around it on interlocking wheels. Every day, the world span one notch. The seas cascaded over the edge into the darkness where the great wheels that turned the world clicked eternally on.

A map of a fantasy world on a cog
The World on a Cog

All things come round in time, and the setting has been released! Continue reading “The New Epoch – a world comes to life”