City Design Walkthrough

This isn’t strictly a tutorial, but rather a step by step for a recent city map. I’ve been doing some city design recently for Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, and got the okay from Jaye Sonia to post some work in progress shots.

Work in progress of fantasy city map
Sketch of Damas

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The City of Redwall

The Dwarves of Redwall are builders. Their city stands on three great terraces carved from the side of a mountain, and the walls are grounded by massive octagonal cannon towers. As with any dwarven city, the overground structures, temples and railway stations are just the surface. Below the city, mines and tunnels probe deep into the earth.

Fantasy map of the steampunk dwarven city of Redwall for Rhune, Dawn of Twilight Continue reading “The City of Redwall”

The Great Tree – Yggdrasil with gears

What says norse more than Yggdrasil, the world tree? And what says steampunk more than clockwork gears?

Fantasy map of the great world tree in the Pathfinder game of Rhune

The world tree of Rhune holds the different planes of existence, many of which represent different futures for the world of Midgard. Some represent the triumph of death, others a mechanistic hell and a few where good triumphs. Continue reading “The Great Tree – Yggdrasil with gears”