Clockwork maze fantasy map pack and gear images for sale

I’ve been working on the Rite Publishing project Coliseum Morpheuon and it’s finally seen the light of day! The high level Pathfinder adventure features a series of fiendish challenges and I drew the maps. Of course this means a whole selection of new fantasy map packs hitting the shelves. First out of the bag is the Clockwork Maze:

Fantasy Map Pack for sale: The Clockwork MazeThe map pack is now on sale at RPGNow and shortly at Paizo. Continue reading “Clockwork maze fantasy map pack and gear images for sale”

The Wreck of the Goodwife

Underwater map of the Wreck of the Goodwife
The Wreck of the Goodwife

This was created as a personal piece and was then picked up by Open Design. It has since graced the back page of Kobold Quarterly #13 in glorious full colour and turned up in Sunken Empires – a sourcebook for underwater adventure. It can be purchased at full resolution – 100 pixels per grid – in the Kobold Quarterly store here.