Ben McFarland, Clinton Boomer and Matt Banach have some strange ideas.
Coliseum Morpheoun came from their twisted minds – a demiplane of dreams and nightmares where teams in search of glory duke it out in a dream warped arena for the pleasure of the Khan of Nightmares.

(click through for a larger version)
This is a mini adventure that spins off from that, or works as a stand-alone in its own right. The PCs are sent down the rabbit hole into the dark chaotic underbelly of the plane of dreams. The adventure takes place across five separate locations – each a little weirder than the last.
I was brought on board to map their creation, and this is the result. I’ve removed any labels to avoid spoilers. I wanted to give a bit of a feel of the disjointed and chaotic nature of the realm, whilst also giving a bit of a feel of a journal of some hapless academic explorer. I like the overall look and feel that resulted. If you want find out what the locations actually hold, then check out the full adventure (currently at a reduced price for launch): 5 Room Dungeon on RPGNow.